Liquidity Wallet | A Secure Multi-Chain Wallet

The Liquality Wallet is an extension for enabling Web3, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, NEAR, Arbitrum, and Rootstock applications in your browser. It offers many blockchains and gives the simplest and most convenient method to flip between ETH/ERC20s, BTC, TERRA, NEAR, polygon, and Avalanche with built-in one-click atomic swaps. You can use this platform to swap, hold, send, receive, use dapps, and many more other things. It is considered a self-custodial and safe Wallet. All this indicates that only you would have access to your private key. No one else can control or manage your digital assets. If you want to use this Wallet, you do not require any registration process. Rather than just importing or exporting your mnemonic seed phrase, generate a password, and you are all set to begin your journey on Liquality Wallet.

How to Install the Liquality Wallet Browser Extension?

If you really wish to download and install the Liquality Wallet on any of the available extensions, including Chrome, Edge, or Brave. You can make use of the Chrome Web Store to download and install the Wallet.During the installation process, you have to accept these permissions to utilize dapps in your desired browser.Likewise, the other browser-extension Wallets, Web3 injection for using dapps, ask for permissions to read and switch all your data on the website you open. Additionally, Liquality never reads any data from the website you visit. Furthermore, the authorization permits the users to inject the Web3 API.

How to Set Up an Account on Liquality Wallet?

If you want to generate a new Liquality Wallet account, you have to install it on any one of the available browsers such as Edge, Brave, or Chrome from the official webpage and then use the method to create a new seed phrase. And do not forget to back up the newly generated seed phrase properly.